Quick Coupling and Plus Connector (EU Type)

Quick Coupling and Plus Connector (EU Type)

  • Embout rapide
  • Szybkie złącze
  • Schnellverbinder/ Schnellkupplungen
  • Conectores rápidos/ Cngate rápido
  • Cople Rapido/Acople Rapido
  • موصل سريع
  • ตัวเชื่อมต่อด่วน
  • 快速接頭
  • Quick Disconnect Coupling/ Quick Release Coupler (QRC)/ Quick Disconnecto
  • Engate rápido para ar comprimido
  • Druckluftkupplungen
  • Stecknippel
  • Stecktüllen
  • Schnellverschluss-Kupplungen
  • Фитинг Муфта/ Фитинг Штуцер
  • Connettore aria ad attacco rapido
  • Raccordi per aria compressa
  • Raccords rapides
  • Raccords et embouts
  • Trykluft koblinger og nipler
  • Snabbkopplingar och nipple
  • أداة تقرن / مقرنة /カプラー / カプラ / ハイカプラ / 空气用快速接头/相容接頭
  • As per the availability of large number of various components, couplings have become an important section in every mechanical industry. They are devices with male (plug) and female (receptacle) ends utilized for connecting parts together. Couplings are generally designed according to the maximum working pressure and could be made of steel, brass or stainless steel depending upon the application and the type of fluid.
  • Quick-connect couplings are a type of coupler used to connect two sections of a hose or pipe. They are often made with steel, brass or stainless steel depending upon their application. This type of connection is typically rated for use with a variety of fluids and has pressure limits that vary based on the material they’re made from.
ITEM NO.SIZEporduct sizeicon1
porduct sizeicon2TT PACKING PIC
8511-2Q1/4" HOSE805200
8511-25Q5/16" HOSE905200
8511-3Q3/8" HOSE905200
8511-4Q1/2" HOSE1005200
8512-2Q1/4" G805200
8512-3Q3/8" G905200
8512-4Q1/2" G1005200
8513-2Q1/4" PT805200
8513-3Q3/8" PT805200
8513-4Q1/2" PT1105200
8514-2Q角度圖示3 e16450870891975x8mm905200
8514-3Q角度圖示3 e16450870891976.5x10mm1105200
8514-4Q角度圖示3 e16450870891978x12mm1405200
MAXIMUM PRESSURE 15kgf/cm2 (1.5MPa)TEMPERATURE -20℃~+80℃
ITEM NO.SIZEporduct sizeicon1
porduct sizeicon2TT PACKING PIC
8511-2P1/4" HOSE3010400
8511-25P5/16" HOSE3210400
8511-3P3/8" HOSE3410400
8511-4P1/2" HOSE3810400
8512-2P1/4" G2510400
8512-3P3/8" G3410400
8512-4P1/2" G4210400
8513-2P1/4" PT2510400
8513-3P3/8" PT2810400
8513-4P1/2" PT5010400
8514-2P角度圖示3 e16450870891975x8mm2210400
8514-3P角度圖示3 e16450870891976.5x10mm2210400
8514-4P角度圖示3 e16450870891978x12mm2810400
MAXIMUM PRESSURE 15kgf/cm2 (1.5MPa)TEMPERATURE -20℃~+80℃