Wrench Roll Pouch Bag- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset)

Wrench Roll Pouch Bag- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset)

  • The heavy duty canvas roll-up wrench organizer with pockets is perfect for your tools. It has easy to close  and a sturdy polyester canvas that can stand up to water and the other wear and tear on your tools. It’s also compact, so it fits well in your garage or toolbox.
  • Jeux de clés polygonales contre-coudées
  • Zestaw kluczy oczkowych 75°
  • 75° Doppelringschlüssel-Satz
  • Juego de Llaves de estrella acodadas
  • 75 درجة مجموعة مفاتيح ربط حلقية مزدوجة
  • ชุดประแจแหวนคู่ 75°
  • 雙梅花扳手組 德式輕薄柄  彎度75°
  • DIN 838- ISO3318/ ISO 1085- ISO 10104
  • On Display
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
75° Double Ring Wrench Set- 1103M/A Double Ring Wrench 75° Offset
Rolling Pouch Bag
ITEM NO.PCS1103M/Aset pic e1647240486399
16007M76x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19mm 15
16008M86x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22mm 10
16008A81/4x5/16, 3/8x7/16, 1/2x9/16, 5/8x11/16, 3/4x25/32, 13/16x7/8, 15/16x1", 1-1/16x1-1/410
16018M86x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 21x22mm 15
16097M76x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 17x19, 21x22mm 15
16009M96x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 17x19, 21x22, 24x27, 30x32mm 10
16011M116x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22, 21x23, 24x27, 30x32mm 10
16012M126x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22, 21x23, 24x26, 25x28, 30x32mm 6